London 2012 Organizing Committee
London 2012 Organizing Committee
Business Administrator Foreign Trade
Marketing and Planning Expert
Marketing and Planning Expert
General Director and founder of Casa Mansur (holding of the largest balcony and interior glass company in Latin America) for the product SEALEDbox, Cordoni was formerly the Latin America Director for Ottobock, for seven years.
Cordoni has a Bachelor’s in Marketing from ESPM (Escola Paulista de Propaganda e Marketing) and a graduate degree in Business and Marketing Management from FGV-SP (Fundação Getúlio Vargas). He has over 20 years of experience in marketing for premium products.
CEO Casa Mansur
General Director and founder of Casa Mansur (holding of the largest balcony and interior glass company in Latin America) for the product SEALEDbox, Cordoni was formerly the Latin America Director for Ottobock, for seven years.
Cordoni has a Bachelor’s in Marketing from ESPM (Escola Paulista de Propaganda e Marketing) and a graduate degree in Business and Marketing Management from FGV-SP (Fundação Getúlio Vargas). He has over 20 years of experience in marketing for premium products.
CEO Casa Mansur
Professor Heller has an undergraduate degree in Advertising, a graduate degree in Marketing from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and a MBA in International Business Management from IBMEC (Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais, a Brazilian private university widely regarded in teaching and research in the fields of Business and Economics). He has professional and academic credentials in Digital Marketing, Social Media, CRM, Marketing Relationships and Business Administration from ESPM (Escola Paulista de Propaganda e Marketing) and FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).
Heller has been active for over 15 years in the Marketing and Communication field. With a broad range of experience in planning, development, analysis and application of marketing and communications, he has worked as a Planner, Creator, Director of Art, Designer, Market and Intelligence Analyst, as well as Project Manager. He is known for strategic design, management and implementation as Director of Planning and Director of Communication Creation. He has also worked in political campaigns, events, direct marketing, digital and social media marketing, and below-the-line marketing for companies such as Ernst & Young, Red Bull, Tigre, Todo Vino, Pernod Ricard, Nestlé, Nissin, SC Johnson, Louis Dreyfus, General Motors, Mercedes, and BMW, among others.
He teaches Marketing, Communications, and Management courses for undergraduate and graduate students. He is a frequent guest speaker at summits, seminars and workshops.
Professor Heller has an undergraduate degree in Advertising, a graduate degree in Marketing from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and a MBA in International Business Management from IBMEC (Instituto Brasileiro de Mercado de Capitais, a Brazilian private university widely regarded in teaching and research in the fields of Business and Economics). He has professional and academic credentials in Digital Marketing, Social Media, CRM, Marketing Relationships and Business Administration from ESPM (Escola Paulista de Propaganda e Marketing) and FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas).
Heller has been active for over 15 years in the Marketing and Communication field. With a broad range of experience in planning, development, analysis and application of marketing and communications, he has worked as a Planner, Creator, Director of Art, Designer, Market and Intelligence Analyst, as well as Project Manager. He is known for strategic design, management and implementation as Director of Planning and Director of Communication Creation. He has also worked in political campaigns, events, direct marketing, digital and social media marketing, and below-the-line marketing for companies such as Ernst & Young, Red Bull, Tigre, Todo Vino, Pernod Ricard, Nestlé, Nissin, SC Johnson, Louis Dreyfus, General Motors, Mercedes, and BMW, among others.
He teaches Marketing, Communications, and Management courses for undergraduate and graduate students. He is a frequent guest speaker at summits, seminars and workshops.
Aris was Brand Manager for the flagship magazines of Liberis Publications, the largest publishing house in Greece, where he honed his branding, communications, and media expertise. He led the first Vogue Tennis Championship and Status Tennis Championship publications.
Having been involved in the Olympic Games in Athens (2004), in 2009 he joined the Olympic Games organization as Organizing Committee Senior Director, where he led marketing, sponsorships and promotional events. He led the Look of the Games branding team for all competition and non-competition venues. His involvement continued in 2011 as LOOK (Brand) Manager for the London Games (2012) Olympics and Paralympics. His focus was to deliver a successful branding experience at the Volleyball and Equestrian venues for spectators and sponsors.
Aris earned a bachelor’s in Business Administration at the University of Piraeus, and a Master’s in Marketing at the Newcastle Business School (UK). Upon graduation he worked at Levi Strauss & Co, and at Auto Malta Ltd., in branding and events areas.
Aris was Brand Manager for the flagship magazines of Liberis Publications, the largest publishing house in Greece, where he honed his branding, communications, and media expertise. He led the first Vogue Tennis Championship and Status Tennis Championship publications.
Having been involved in the Olympic Games in Athens (2004), in 2009 he joined the Olympic Games organization as Organizing Committee Senior Director, where he led marketing, sponsorships and promotional events. He led the Look of the Games branding team for all competition and non-competition venues. His involvement continued in 2011 as LOOK (Brand) Manager for the London Games (2012) Olympics and Paralympics. His focus was to deliver a successful branding experience at the Volleyball and Equestrian venues for spectators and sponsors.
Aris earned a bachelor’s in Business Administration at the University of Piraeus, and a Master’s in Marketing at the Newcastle Business School (UK). Upon graduation he worked at Levi Strauss & Co, and at Auto Malta Ltd., in branding and events areas.
Newton Lima, Business Administrator with emphasis on Foreign Trade, MBA in Business Management from FAAP / SP. For more than 20 years he has been working in the supply chain, working for multinational companies in Siderurgia, Óleo e Gás, Varejo and in the last 3 years he has been working in the Food Service area, among which the Cervejaria Devassa, Brazil Cocoa , Starbucks, Le Pain Quotidien and Ground Fire.
Nossa história
A Faculdade
A URM® Faculdade Roberto Miranda é uma das 7 Instituições de Ensino Superior do Brasil que recebeu nota máxima do MEC em ambos os quesitos de avaliação, Conceito Institucional e Conceito de Curso (duplo 5) entre 3.732 Faculdades existentes no país, sejam elas públicas ou privadas.
Fundada em 2001 por Roberto de Ávila Miranda, atual Reitor da Instituição, nasceu como Escola de Negócios destinada exclusivamente a formar empresários geradores de empregos.
"Uma escola capaz de entregar nas mãos dos alunos as rédeas do próprio destino" - Roberto Miranda*.
Construída sobre uma base sólida de mais de 40 anos de atividades de consultoria, a URM® teve seu DNA moldado pela demanda de empresas por resultados efetivos no comportamento, habilidades técnicas e talentos de suas equipes.
Enquanto escolas tradicionais eram remuneradas pelos seus certificados, Roberto Miranda era demandado a entregar conteúdo capaz de promover mudanças significativas nas mais diferentes corporações mundiais.
Esse movimento, ao longo dos anos, lapidou uma escola repleta de sistemas efetivos de aprendizado capazes de provocar mudanças reais na vida e no sucesso dos alunos e suas empresas.
Com mais de 15.000 alunos formados em gestão de negócios a URM® cumpre uma missão de grande impacto social, a geração de emprego e renda em volume e qualidade muito maior do que qualquer Faculdade no país.
Um aluno formado na Faculdade Roberto Miranda, durante sua vida, não dependerá da iniciativa de terceiros para obter sucesso, será detentor das aptidões e ferramentas necessárias para empreender, sem pedir licença ou autorização à ninguém para vencer.
Sobre Roberto Miranda
Roberto de Ávila Miranda estudou em Harvard, é palestrante e conferencista internacional, autor de livros e criador do sistema de ensino denominado "The Four I´s of Learning®" que permite que as disciplinas sejam ministradas por meio de diferentes linguagens, conversando com cada aluno através do seu talento dominante e sistema de representação preferido.
Roberto Miranda também foi responsável pelo mapeamento dos talentos envolvidos no processo empreendedor a partir do modelo das seis inteligências, proposto no Best-Seller de seu pai, Roberto Lira Miranda, cujo game interativo denominando "The Brain Game" é utilizado em testes de aptidão em todo o Mundo.